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Hailiah last won the day on August 18 2023

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About Hailiah

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  1. WurmNode

    im UK and the Xanadu yaga map aint working either, whats going on?
  2. WurmNode

    Its not working for me either.
  3. Easter Event 2024

    Are they going to fix it so that all servers get bunny spawns?
  4. Easter Event 2024

    I believe that some servers are not having bunny spawns, Pristine and Release seems like, maybe others.
  5. No not that, upkeep is roughly 250 days.
  6. I checked, those are ok. Gm recons it may have been caused by a unique, theyre checking the logs.
  7. Specific ones to check? Seems ok to me though.
  8. Someone want to explain why 2 of my house walls are missing? (Alts deed - Mortality)
  9. I have fed some to my horses on one occasion for breeding, not exactly sure what they're suppost to do.
  10. So you couldn't climb out? No open mine entrance? Not even a slope upto it?
  11. Your probably right. I checked this out recently, it appears to be that a 'located' report results in lower quality cache fragments. Will do more on this, but more often than not my reports go to completed and skip located. In respect to never deeded land and getting junk fragments, it should be noted that during events where there are special archaeology fragments (Halloween & Christmas etc) it can be worth doing these areas to get event fragments at higher quality for higher quality special event items, although how this affects the enchants/runes I have no idea. I do regularly investigate my local old deed areas but i will also investigate everywhere else. If I'm on a treasure hunt and the area is clearly an old deed i will check it out, or if ive taken a priest alt to a holy site, I will wonder off and explore the area. Might be why Ive got 14 archaeology journals...
  12. ha seen that before, but just the tree tops.
  13. Climbed using stamina sandwiches and 80ql red wine (measured smallest amount in a measuring jug to drink and another full measuring jug to take from) Nice on top, huge area totally flat. There is a small deed on top. If anyone needs to go up i recommend the Eastern side as the fastest route.
  14. Xanadu (yaga.host) Guard tower Aton 402 4975,2754