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About trbaneblade

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  1. are you guys still recruiting? Looking for a great village to join for HOTS
  2. Any hots villages recruiting? I would love to play again. Just Not by myself...
  3. Currently on epic, logged in and everyone was gone T__T. Hots only. Need a village to support and have my own place. .
  4. Anyone know how to elect yourself leader in your own server, for instance HOTS?
  5. Hi i am an ex hots wild player and i would love to start fresh in epic Elevation under the hots again! please excuse that i will be starting new but I will work on that.
  6. hello Im a ex-wild hots player and took a hiatus on wurm for awhile. I came back knowing that wurm is the true immersive sandbox game that no other game can provide but yes I was hots and altho undermaned i loved it. Even when i got raided it was challenging. I am searching for a hots guild on epic and I dont know if its gonna be a fresh start but i would love to hone my skills from scratch again! Please let me know if i can help
  7. you guys seem like a decent group of guys to work with.