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About Shinjutsu

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  1. Jsut because something has been around for a long time doesn't mean it's fine. I disliked the tenth anniversary quite a bit because some people were lukcy, like me, others got a sleep poweder and lootboxes are just bad and lazy. If you wonna monetize your game do it like good f2p models. Focus on decoratives. Wurm players are suckers for shiny things. Wagon, weapon, armorskins. Don't lock them all behind payments but some and not any gameplay influencing stuff. It's jsut bad and very outdated gamedesign to still rely on randomized rewards. I think the proposed features, as I choose to generously call them for now, had little thought behind it, especially the removal of player deities and the way its done seems short sighted at best. Yes, less deities would be better BUT give the old deities more utility as the system of being forced to have a priest alt because otherwise you can't do crap yourself, is already shitty enough as it is and another way fof jsut extracting another subscription out of a single player. Sure there can be arguments made that you could "play with others" as a priest so others can craft literally everything for you that isn't a mallet but it's clear that that will not work. Being reliant to such a massive degree onto others never works in the long run. I love the game, otherwise I'd hardly stickto it for the duration I already did but the game is not evolving in a direction that will aid in any way to improve the stagnating playercount.
  2. So.....the presentation and execution of proposed changes makes me feel like you try to adapt the (negative) aspects of "modern" free2play gaming industry into your own game to go along with buying a ###### currency to redeem in the token shop for real player advantages and lootboxes and even for the player advantage, namely affinities, you have a one in a 130 chance of hitting the affinity you want and you'll pay for each roll and I'm just stunned. Along with that, even though i always wanted playergods to be removed as it got crowded with deities, I also foresee that a big portion of paying players will not take kindly to that change. Due to the fact they chose the deity they did for the spells that deity has available based on its utility. Given that information you will revert them back into a priest that will have no use for them as you are not touching those deities in any way or make them more viable and enforce players that have a nahjo piest (as one example) to have 2 priests (Fo and Mag) to have able to two of the most used utility spells (Strongwall and genesis) I think your decision regarding this entire devblog to be released in a form that says that this is coming will massively hurt the already dwindling playerbase more and certainly will not aid in your endevour to attract more customers. It just seems and feels like a cheap cashgrap to extract more money. I'd strongly advice to reconsider the rewards offered in the giftshop. Remove lootboxes. Keep in decorative features like nametags and skins. Remove the rng from it because rng is not fun when it's directly tied to a monetary value as that is, was and will be gambling. Doesn't matter hot it is labeled.
  3. I buy it. Scaleset needs to be on Freedom though as Epicstuff doesnt yield me anything
  4. from 5 accounts that received the gifts it was one adamantioum lump, 3 Seryll lumps and one statue of the champions.... dont give out lottery shitboxes as anniversary that only makes the lucky people feel good just come up with something aweseome item and give it out to everyone like the bag of holding or spyglass in the past so that way no one eels salty and looks in envy to other players and spreads a generally bad feeling over the 10th anniversary thing because you know....for a 10 year anniversary thats pretty much the worst thing you could have done
  5. i would be interested in the deal
  6. sending my priest over there , are meals povided cause i gotta admit that his HFC skills suck xd
  7. I'd like to buy, further details via pm
  8. Got news for you muzzy, wurm is a sandbox games so the amount of rules are very limited and we all know which event triggered your post and if you trade with someone you have to use your brain and dotn complain when someone abuses a mistake (that was obvious) you made to his own advantage. And second, everyone lifes would be at unease if you stick your noise into things that do not concern you
  9. I think for PvP you couldnt have made this map more counterproductive. If you thought Elevation was dead before the reset i exspect it to become either literall ydead or a server were no action will happen because the travelliung time and efford to get somewhere despite from the time alone you needed, is ridiculous. Sorry but whoever made the map, he havent thought this through