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Arkhir last won the day on July 26 2013

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280 Excellent

About Arkhir

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  • Epic

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  1. Epic jeszcze żyje jakoś? Ile osób grywa średnio?

  2. inb4 freedominas and freedomers joining the thread, saying epic players ARE second-hand customers I don't see one reason why epic shouldn't have these. Not a single reason.
  3. as much as I like roleplaying you won't see much of it in wurm, it is just how it is, sorry bud
  4. I'm not feeling like digging through the whole thread, but I've got a bug to report: If you walk by the corner of a stone bridge forcing yourself onto the space between stone wall and wall on the bridge, you're gonna get launched down and die.
  5. Battle logs

    thank you based rolf, that's actually really nice
  6. Does that mean towers are finally going to have proper collisions?
  7. No. The account has to be repremmed the regular way, Wurm Online staff won't move it for you, I've had the same problem.
  8. Can't we, like, get these things for Epic and Chaos instead of making another server? Epic dies when this comes out. I forced myself to read through the last few pages and managed to find Johan's post, saying the features will be added for epic as well. I wonder which ones.
  9. That's pretty badass, does this motive have a name?
  10. I wish weapon models were this good.
  11. >