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About Lerk

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  1. If you spent more than a second on their site, you'd have noticed that there are premade structures and the option to design your own.
  2. Haha no, you keep playing wurm with your invulnerable fences and immortal cows.
  3. Too Long; Didn't Watch; Must Defend Wurm With Life.
  4. "If you're not a member of one of six settlements, don't play on Epic, we don't want you here" Wait, did I say six? I meant to say two.
  5. The current system is so broken, I don't even know where the pieces are. But none of us are Ron Paul, The God-King of Supply-Side Economics, therefore we should stop discussing the issue entirely. Even though this is a thread started by the developer of the game, discussing changes to the economic system because he thought they might be beneficial. Yes. Yes, this will do.
  6. An economist failed horribly once, therefore we should toss the entire discipline out the window ron paul 2016 end the fed
  7. You say this and then propose things indistinguishable from what we already have with *spirits and nogumps. It's going to end with people logging on to find their deed swimming in some annoying mob or other and just not log in again for a year. Ask me how many times I saw that happen, go on.
  8. Yeah, no. Especially not on PVP servers. First, silver is being hoarded by everyone and their dog because it is obscenely expensive to buy with real cash and only a tiny handful of people have a reliable means of getting it for free(i.e. people who already had 50s to blow on a trader they then proceeded to farm for months). Having spare silver can be crucial after a raid or if you need to buy, say, a shaker orb right now. Making things worse, silver is only safe when it's dead, off the market, in your "bank". Second, if silver does move, it moves between a tiny handful of people, high end crafters and people who can risk the expenditure. Newbies and non-newbies who don't have access to a trader cannot reliably participate in the economy because they have no money and no means to make money (who wants your 20ql wemp, anyway?). This is mostly anecdotal and speculative, but if Rolf graphed the transactions on Epic, he would be in for a surprise. If the Wurm economy was anywhere close to realistic, the whole thing would have imploded within weeks. It's dysfunctional at the best of times. TL;DR: Rolf, please, consult an economist. Like, just talk to one. Most current problems stem from a fundamental misunderstanding of economics and an even worse understanding of microtransactions.
  9. Also that one server where winning gave your opponent rare resources.
  10. Do you have any idea what you're talking about? Any at all? You could still breed non-hostiles, it's just that the offspring wouldn't keep the special condition. The only way this could have helped non-aggro levels in the wild is if it discouraged a bunch of breeders from even bothering. If that's considered a solution, remove breeding entirely and spare everyone the drama.
  11. I stand corrected, they have no excuse. I agree, remove the ability to tame hostile mobs.
  12. They still give skill at the moment. As for SB, just tie it into the main shield skill, rather than a separate one.
  13. Rolf does not play Wurm, does not have any other developers who know anything about the game, so of course all he hears is that someone is breeding champs for FS. Before the nerf, taming was borderline worthless. After the nerf, it's going to be that one skill one guy per village has to gear up hell horses.