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Schiann last won the day on December 15 2023

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About Schiann

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    Shyann (Defiance)

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  1. In addition to the reasons mentioned above, I would also like this for aesthetics. For me, the nodes add a nice bit of additional ground cover and "wild" feeling.
  2. What about offering a selection of perhaps 3 older skins each month? Surely, that would increase multi-item purchases, in addition to giving players more opportunity to eventually get a skin they missed. I understand the concern about uniqueness and exclusivity, but these are already items that require real money.
  3. The colours on many of the flowerbeds and potted plants are off. They really should match the colour and style of the flowers used - that is what most players would expect when they create them, surely?
  4. A good suggestion. For now, have you tried using WASD? I have arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome, so I avoid clicking as much as possible. I highly recommend an off-hand gaming controller. I've used the Razer Nostromo for years (since it was Belkin) and I swear by it.
  5. They never run out if placed on a water source tile. If you empty the well, it will refill in a few minutes.
  6. I only crossed paths with KellyT a few times years ago, when my son and I were relatively new. Talked to his mom once when Kelly had done something naughty, and that was when I learned he was almost the same age as my son. I became a little more tolerant of his shenanigans after that. It was cool seeing another mom+son pair both playing Wurm. So while I never had a personal relationship with them, as a Wurming mom this is a painful thing to read. My thoughts are with his family.
  7. The attitudes - especially the rampant bigotry, the mistrust, the feeling you can never compete with the people with the time and money to sink, the destruction of hard/time-intensive work and starting over... I do enjoy the community spirit, cooperation, and purpose you can get within your village or kingdom on PvP, but the negatives mentioned previously tend to outweigh the positives for me.
  8. It's happening on bridges nowhere near water, as well. I wasn't near water when I lost my horse.
  9. Just confirming this is also happening to me, so it's not just a cursed Xallo. My horse actually got stuck in a building attached to a bridge. Fortunately, I had permissions to enter the building, but this is going to be a problem for some bridges with buildings used as connecting points.
  10. I've managed to regulate the amount of time I spend playing Wurm to such a fine degree, that even after 14 years of playing, I can still look forward to my first 100 skill. BOOYA, suckers!
  11. Not all of forum interactions are about the game's development. The suggestion is rooted in a very narrow view. There are posts from players with questions about game mechanics, bugs and glitches, seeking villages and play groups... To put those things behind a paywall is absurd.
  12. How to then deal with portals from Defiance to NFI PvE servers, though? Obviously, a lot of folks would use this as a quick way to go from SFI PvE to NFI PvE.
  13. Today I am grumpy/miserable because... I haven't seen my son in person for 8 years, and I miss him like crazy. We talk every day, but because of our 8-hour time zone difference, and work schedules, we are often like passing ships in the night. Plus, it's not the same as being in the same room. I just want to give him a big "squooshie" (hug). I keep trying to save money for one of us to visit the other, but it seems like every month something happens that wipes out all savings. Last month, a cat got sick. This month, car problem. Eight years is a long time to go without seeing your kid. ☹️
  14. We had this (minus free deeds) with Golden Valley. It didn't work out as hoped; people didn't leave, and there wasn't a lot of motivation to become a premium player. There was also plenty of griefing, despite the skill cap. I don't think segregating new players that much is the answer. Consider how frustrating that would be as a brand new player. Dying is very common in the first hours of play; if you had to start over from 1 every time how would you ever get strong enough to actually experience the game? Personally, I'd like to see the game made much easier for the first days of play, rather than harder. Powerful buffs (more than currently given) that decrease incrementally over time, perhaps.
  15. I really like the idea of bringing weta back, connected to rifts in some way. Makes sense from a game lore perspective. #ReleaseTheWeta