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About Aodhan

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  1. Well, after...hell, I don't even know how long its been..6-7 years of playing, I've taperd off my game play over the last 6 months. Some because my main PC died and i'm down to trying to log in with this crappy old laptop, and some because the game just grew too big (too many servers) but every new server was pretty much the same as the last one. I look back at playing on GV, moving over to Freedom(Indy) and then think about what has changed for a new player comming to the game today vs. then. My answer is, not much. Yes, there has been a progression in the "Stuff" that's in the game, but overall it's still the same game, the same experience and the same old grind. I know, you can cook a meal in just 2 min now vs 1 hour back in the old days and I know that a large anvil no longer weighs 50kg...but basicly, its just the same thing over and over and over. Start a new chr on the new server cluster, pick a spot, plant a deed, race to max skills and sell junk before the market crashes..Rinse Repeat. So I cut down my deeds to just 2 and I only pay my deed upkeep on them but all my chr's are currently non-premium. I keep a house over by Halcyon and my house on GV on HoTs Lake. A deed on Deli and the last one on Pristine. But Malvado's posts still nag at me because I just can't seem to put this game to bed for the final time. Maybe if this laptop dies I won't have a choice. Hey, thats another way to quit!! ---- I am The Lego!!!
  2. Its not about it being OK or Not OK, its about the game rules. If You fail your due diligence, the responsibility is on you for failing to lock the gate. If somone takes the horses from the unlocked pen, which is allowed by both the mechanics of the game and by rule, your issue here is a moral one and not one based in the rules of gameplay on the server. Again, the falt first lies with you. Under the Game Rules and the COC, this person has done nothing wrong. People tend to apply their personal morals to the games they play, I do it too sometimes (I get really ticked off sometimes)...but if you disagree with the rule, please send a PM to the Lead GM with your concerns, but you are not allowed to try and push your morals onto other people here (i.e. Shame Threads).
  3. Gratz to Cianni for finding the letter!!!!!
  4. They are trying to force you into creating mule accounts to keep stuff on..that way their Total Active Accounts numbers stay high!! LoL
  5. Well, this whole hullabaloo on the forums is because of what Arch origially claimed "Party B who then proceded to Enclosure Rule fence in the Party A's deed so he cannot leave it." As to your waisted time, if you did waist any "paid time" it was because you did not understand the rules of the game...(did you even read them? because you cetainly didn't understand them hence all this crap. GM's and Ca's do a pretty good job over all. The fact that you came out on the looseing end of an conflict and then say things things like this...pish, go cry to mommy. And your magic ball to know whether or not this unmentioned CA did or did not assess the situation is located where? I'm thinking you need to clean it off a bit more before you use it next time. CA's have channels of information access you obviously are not aware of. Who are you to say what a CA did or didn't do before interacting with you? On a nostalgic note...anyone remember how they felt when Rolf opened Freedom to F2P? I said things much worse than this
  6. This exacat situation has occured many times, and publicly debated many times thru the history of the games. Total blockage is greifing. GM's will attempt to work it out with both parties but ultimatly, the blocking fence will be removed at some point, either by your Party 'B' or by the GM. (actually, there have been some very very hot fights over this in the should read the posts!!) But its always Greifing and the fences are always removed.
  7. And I just got the same thing..was playing along..started getting that memory leak closed the Downloading Application..then another window pops up saying Unable to Launch Application. There is an error log..but it looks like the whole bunch of java junk you always see when you get a clietn error...and thats it..I can't play
  8. Oh, now, don't get me wrong, I'm use to waiting, just like most experienced gamers. But the Pre-Launch Bashing of the releaseing company is a time honored Tradition in which I enjoy partisipating. So come on, join the festivities. Its can be fun,,,you know it can....LOL.
  9. thoughts exactly..."I got the Client!!!!! But I still can't play cause the servers have never come up".. If you had bought the software at a store for anyother game, loaded it onto your computer and then had to wait for the servers to come online....they call that a pre-order piece of software.. Its not Live till the servers are online and customers can log in. But maybe its just the New World Order mentality...its still 12/12/12 somewhere in the world.
  10. I'm not sure here..but I think today has come and went where the servers are located. Guess the new release date is 12/13/12. Good Luck anyway.
  11. Pristine!

    I slept in on purpose knowing it would not comes with experience. Oh, guess what...its still not up...LOL
  12. Wait...ppl brand new...don't premium up.....of priesting and doing enchants...required to get a priest up to skill......without a deed or group to help support. When the hell did a newbie ever....EVER...understand the game so well as to inculde these concepts into their first month game play???? I Sure As Hell Didn't!!!!! Man do I ever agree here. ... (and i don't EVER agree with Joanavon...)(at least not lately) (I am the Lego) *(always the grumpy old man)* *(don't think so? try me..invite me to you TS or Vent or* *(I'll piss you off before you even know you are pissed off)*
  13. Wait, ... you don't know about the exploits by now?? Seriously? . . . Man...No wonder I'm trying to play games like Xsyon and Salem instead of Wurm....Rolf...if you are going to do it it right...damn man.
  14. Please do not advertise your items for sale here. Yes, you can try and find stuff lying about, but that doesn't help new players learn to make it themselves.