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About boogabee

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  1. That did the trick, thanks. A simple end to many hours of fiddling with different settings.
  2. I'm trying to add another Wurm Unlmited instance running on the same host as my primary instance. I've went through the documented steps and hacked my way through them as most of them are aimed at people using the GUI. The problem I am experiencing is that I can still bring up my main instance just fine but my new server seems to be trying to capture the ports that the main instance is using, even though they have been changed in my servers table for that server. The error I'm getting is [01:12:46 AM] INFO com.wurmonline.server.epic.Hota: Loaded 0 HOTA helpers. It took 0.068983 millis. [01:12:46 AM] INFO com.wurmonline.communication.SocketServer: Creating Wurm SocketServer on / [01:12:46 AM] INFO com.wurmonline.server.Server: Shutting down the server - reason: Problem running the server - Address already in use [01:12:46 AM] INFO com.wurmonline.server.Server: Shutting down the server - cause: Address already in use Which makes sense because the previous instance already has those ports captured netstat -tulpn | grep Wurm tcp 0 0* LISTEN 26032/WurmServerLau tcp 0 0* LISTEN 26032/WurmServerLau tcp 0 0* LISTEN 26032/WurmServerLau tcp 0 0* LISTEN 26032/WurmServerLau udp 0 0* 26032/WurmServerLau udp 0 0* 26032/WurmServerLau For my server I have the following info sqlite> select * from servers; SERVER = 2 NAME = Thera SPAWNPOINTJENNX = 200 SPAWNPOINTJENNY = 200 SPAWNPOINTMOLX = SPAWNPOINTMOLY = SPAWNPOINTLIBX = SPAWNPOINTLIBY = HOMESERVER = 1 INTRASERVERADDRESS = INTRASERVERPORT = 48011 INTRASERVERPASSWORD = xxxxxxxx EXTERNALIP = EXTERNALPORT = 3725 LOGINSERVER = KINGDOM = 4 ENTRYSERVER = ISPAYMENT = PVP = TWITKEY = TWITSECRET = TWITAPP = TWITAPPSECRET = CHAMPTWITKEY = CHAMPTWITSECRET = CHAMPTWITAPP = CHAMPTWITAPPSECRET = LOCAL = ISTEST = LASTRESETCHAMPS = 1464222722935 RMIPORT = 7222 REGISTRATIONPORT = 7223 MOVEDARTIS = 1442559567892 SKILLDAYSWITCH = 1464225286942 SKILLWEEKSWITCH = 1464225286942 NEXTEPICPOLL = 1464226317318 FATIGUESWITCH = 1464222717132 NEXTHOTA = WORLDTIME = 54900 TILEREST = 463284 POLLTILE = 4121688 POLLMOD = 25385 POLLROUND = 1 SPAWNEDUNIQUE = CAHELPGROUP = -1 CHALLENGE = CHALLENGEEND = CHALLENGESTARTED = MAXPLAYERS = 200 MAXCREATURES = 10000 PERCENT_AGG_CREATURES = 10.0 TREEGROWTH = SKILLGAINRATE = 10.0 ACTIONTIMER = 10.0 HOTADELAY = 2160 RANDOMSPAWNS = 1 SKILLBASICSTART = 20.0 SKILLBODYCONTROLSTART = 25.0 SKILLMINDLOGICSTART = 25.0 SKILLFIGHTINGSTART = 10.0 SKILLOVERALLSTART = 1.0 EPIC = CRMOD = 3.0 STEAMPW = xxxxxx UPKEEP = MAXDEED = FREEDEEDS = 1 TRADERMAX = 500000 TRADERINIT = 10000 TUNNELING = 51 BREEDING = 5 FIELDGROWTH = 3600000 KINGSMONEY = 1000000 MOTD = Note to Self: 1. Survive, 2. Create! MAPNAME = New I'll note I also have the info for my primary server in that table too, as I assume it needs to be there in order to make the neighbour server link
  3. I'm running a headless server and will need to get into sqlite directly in order to give out GM permissions. Which table and field is that value in?
  4. What is the number of additional levels that can be added to a structure?