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About Chiqa

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  1. I like most hope for a balance. When that is not always achieved I move on to something else. I do not care for the depth and general pain of fishing after it was updated even tho I used to enjoy it a great deal. so I do not do it anymore. Yes it is now deep and challenging, for me it also misses most of the fun factor it used to have. There are other Wurm activity's I just do not care for , that is ok, plenty of other things for me to do even after a decade + here
  2. Goodbye

    You influenced my Wurm world early on with your example of being a fine ws and helping people, I will always appreciate that. At 60 I think the ties to old friends in Wurm mean more than ever for me. Not too old yet.
  3. I have been around since crooked houses and we where green people standing on horses. Wurm remains beautiful to me. The freedom to pursue any interest along with the most important part, social is what keeps me coming back year after year. By now i have friends I have played with over a decade. We have been there through birth life and death for each other. This is a big part of the Wurm magic for me. We may drift to other servers, vanish to rl for a year or three but so many find their way back, it is always wonderful to see old friends and faces.
  4. I think the balance of archeology is great, on the other hand I loath the new fishing, way too much hassle. I loved Tich dearly, know this was her baby but I have barely touched it since the change. I think this one missed the mark on balance.
  5. That works, cod to " Chiqqa" please.
  6. I would like 1 create clay and 1 create peat please, Cod to "Chiqqa".
  7. The cost is so minimal now compared ot what it used to be that this should not be a hardship.
  8. I remember this also , not all impers did it but some did. It was also discussed up front, no surprises. I have not seen this in practice for years, nor have I ever done it myself.
  9. I have no interest in starting grinds all over again, been there and done that once, that is enough. I play with the same friends I have known for years. I have no interest in losing that either. A well established deed with good supply of mats on hand. I have no reason to go to the new servers.
  10. I see the lower participation as due to both time zones and lower overall attendance. While having multiple impalongs throughout the year can be fun and easier it also reduces overall attendance. I see the pvp games as a bragging rights/fun thing more than sliver making thing , just my personal opinion.