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About Enuf

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  1. If two different kingdoms have allowed you to join, you lied on your application lol.
  2. KellyT was a Pirate

    Seeing the signs placed randomly as a new player in the game is one of my earliest memories in this game. I never got to meet KellyT, but will always remember them. KellyT is a pirate!
  3. Good luck! Ironman in WO always seems like a fun idea, but wont be easy! I will make sure to give it a watch
  4. I believe you're uploading the clientside "distantrendering.properties" the one for server should be "distantrenderingserver.properties" unless you have just mistyped it here.
  5. Agree with this imo. I like the idea.. but it would be better if it was just restricted/linked to your deed and you have to set a main deed so you can't just plop deeds down also would need a huge cooldown on swapping deeds also not on PvP at all.
  6. I also got 6/11... some of those make no sense at all...
  7. https://independence.yaga.host/#3380,2501 Guard tower: Nivox 762
  8. https://independence.yaga.host/#3599,2121 Deed: Moonlight Stronghold https://independence.yaga.host/#3660,1990 Deed: Blue Moon I'm glad this map is now a thing. Other maps Inde has are great, but not colourblind friendly. It's impossible for me to use them pretty much 😂
  9. There is a community ran map but not many people updated it. I've stopped playing so much but im sure @Drogoswould welcome more using his tool! It's also more friendly to my eyes as a colourblind person haha.
  10. Cant sign

    Did your old account have premium?
  11. This is my dream home... It's just perfect! So much potential. I loooooooooooooove smaller houses!
  12. This thread is the perfect example of why this game is so great! I've shown this to a lot of non-players to convert them to the game, saying.. "Look what you can do in this game, you probably(most definitely) will never do this... but its possible!"